3/8" Warthog X Rotating Multi-Purpose Nozzle
3/8" & 1/2" Warthog “X” Nozzles with XTREME cleaning capabilities:
The new multi-purpose Warthog-X rotary nozzle combines (a) the intense 360° scouring-action of sharp slow-rotating jets with (b) the thrust and flushing-action of fixed thrusting/flushing jets, making the Warthog-X the industry's most powerful descaler/puller nozzle for jetting 3”-8"" pipes. Available with or without a forward coring-jet, the patented Warthog-X “controlled-rotation” technology ensures 360° cleaning of pipe walls as the twin wide-angle jets scour away scale, hard grease, curtain-roots, etc. A great choice for reline-prep jetting, the Warthog-X features an elliptical body design for navigating multiple bends, offsets, and fractures better than other nozzle-types.Optional whip/leader hose available on 1/2"" models.